One Final Message to our Eager Authors….
Submissions Officially Opens on May 1st, 2020
As we inch closer to opening our submissions, we want to make sure all inquisitive authors are aware of the new additions to our guidelines. You can view them here.
As The Parliament House receives a number of submissions, we weigh each query with careful consideration. It’s important that any new voices submitting to us follow the instructions outlined on our official submissions page.
To help you in this process, we’ll discuss some of those changes!
New to submissions is a host of Acolytes:
Amanda Wright
Amanda likes her books like she likes her coffee: dark and bitter.
She loves to read books on cold and rainy days.
Her interests vary, but she is looking for the next great, gothic romance -
like Crimson Peak!
Dark Fantasy
Gothic Fantasy
Historical Fantasy
Urban Fantasy
Chantal Gadoury
Chantal has grown up enjoying all things Disney and fairy tales.
She enjoys reading new versions of her favorite tales in her free time.
Chantal also enjoys romance of all kinds, and is looking for manuscripts
that are whimsical, paranormal, fantastical, and have strong character leads.
She wants a story that has something to say and isn't afraid to press the envelope!
[Fairytale] Retellings
Paranormal Romance
Dark Fantasy
Alyssa Barber
Alyssa loves to be curled up and cozy with a nice cup of coffee in one hand and a book in the other.
She enjoys reading paranormal fantasy and any darker themed novels.
Alyssa is looking for manuscripts of similar genres
(and wouldn’t mind a nice slow-burn romance)!
Paranormal Fantasy
Darker Themed Novels
Cindy Kilbourne
Cindy loves all things Fantasy. She is looking for exciting manuscripts with strong characters and world-building, as well as fresh takes on classic fairy tales. Own Voices, LGBTQ+, Vampires, Necromancy, and slow-burn romance are all at the top of her wishlist.
Young Adult Fantasy
High Fantasy
Contemporary Fantasy
Gothic Fantasy
Paranormal Fantasy
Paranormal Romance
Fairtale Retellings
Magical Realism
Michael Feeney
Michael’s tastes run the gamut from fast paced thrillers to slow burn mysteries and long science fiction/fantasy epics, and even shorter, punchier science fiction stories. Michael looks for manuscripts in a similar vein. He is willing to put in the work to follow complex world building, but also enjoys simpler stories. His main goal with reading fiction is to get lost in a story.
Fantasy (high/epic, low, urban, grimdark)
Sci-fi (hard, soft, space opera, steampunk, silkpunk)
Mystery (modern and historical)
Historical Fiction
Horror (open to anything - zombies welcome)
Thrillers (action, murder, mystery)
Highlighted under each of their names is an email address and a few short listings regarding their individual interests. Much like a query to an agent, we ask that you find the one Acolyte whose interests resonate best with your novel. If no one on this listing is your target audience, or if you’re unsure, we welcome you to directly email the head of submissions, Amanda Wright. We hope to have answers to all of our submissions two weeks to the date of inquiry. We understand that waiting can be the hardest part. Please:
Do not reach out to The Parliament House on social media platforms
Do not message a listed Acolyte via social media
After two weeks, if you have not heard back from an Acolyte, you can direct your question to the Head of Submissions via the email address provided.
When you’re querying to the Parliament House, please be sure to follow our guidelines. This means that your initial query is as follows:
Supply a query letter in the body of your email. Include the following information:
The Title of Your Manuscript
Series or Standalone
The Genre of Your Series
Word Count
Provide a summary of your novel (a blurb that might appear on the inside flap or back of your book) in the body of your email. Please define this area so that we know the difference between the Summary and the Query Letter, as it were.
Finally, add the first three chapters of your novel into the body of your email, NOT as an attachment. Please make sure that your entire email is legible and formatted to be as uniform as possible.
Note: Your chapters should not be a different size font than that of your Query Letter or Summary. Space evenly.
Additionally, your email should appear in our inbox as such:
Subject Line: QUERY - (Genre), (Title), (Name)
Example: QUERY - DF, NA, The Red-Eyed Ravens, Jane Doe
Before submitting, take care and do one final read through. Be sure you dedicate the time to fully prepare your query so that it stands out among the others. You’ve worked so hard to make it to this stage in your writing process; we’re excited to see your query, to get to know you and experience the manuscript you’ve crafted!
FINALLY! If we choose to hear more, you’ll receive an email from your acolyte, requesting your FULL MANUSCRIPT! Be Excited! With a full manuscript request, The Parliament House Press will be asking ALL who reach this point, to provide one final note: A Video Submission. This is new, we know! We want to meet all future authors, in the hopes of getting to know you, your marketing plans, what you love about your book and more! This is a great opportunity for you to share your passion for your book!
Video submission guidelines will be provided upon request of a full manuscript, with timely deadlines. But don’t worry! Your video does not have to be professionally edited or high quality. We really just want to get to know you!
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Submissions Director, Amanda Wright, via email: