Parliament House acquisitions is pleased to announce the procuration of She's Powerful Trouble, the beginning of a new Paranormal series by Taylor Hartley

When Mariah Stark bit Shelley Stalling’s arm in eighth grade, the town of Wicker Creek noticed. Born under ominous circumstances, Mariah creates suspicion wherever she goes. The Mothers of her own Coven insist she possesses an evil power. And since her attempts to pull flowers out of the Earth or heal injuries instead kill fields of crops and produce third-degree burns, she believes them. Now, as Mariah navigates her senior year, Shelley seeks to finally reveal her for the witch she is. Such exposure could ruin the magical world—if Mariah doesn’t destroy it first.
While Finn Shepherd may not have magical powers, he’s on his own path of self-destruction. Struggling to cope with his father’s death, he abandons his passions for swimming and sketching and seeks solace in drugs, pissing away his chances at graphic design school as he lashes out at the people who love him most. His tunnel vision blinds him—so he never sees Mariah coming.

SHE'S POWERFUL TROUBLE was acquired to Mary Bernsen at The Parliament House Press, in a three-book deal, for publication in Spring 2019 (World).

Taylor Hartley graduated from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill with a Bachelor’s degree in English Literature and a minor in Creative Writing. Inspired largely by J.K. Rowling and Madeline L’Engle, she started writing stories when she was eight years old and never looked back. She only ever wanted two things: to bring new characters to life and to share her love of words with the world. That led her to the classroom, where she teaches English to high school students—and hopes she leaves a lasting impression.
When she’s not reading, writing, or teaching, Taylor loses herself in the variety of characters available on Netflix, spends a decent amount of time on the rowing machine, and drinks Chai tea lattes like they’re water. She loves weekly Sunday night dinners with her father, crisp fall afternoons, and long runs on scenic greenways. An eternal lover of the em dash and the Oxford comma, Taylor lives in Charlotte, North Carolina with her husband Aaron, who also teaches English. She writes in honor of her mother, whose fierce spirit ignites her imagination and brightens her world every day.
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