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Acquisition Announcement: Double-Crossing the Bridge by Sarah Sover

The Parliament House

Parliament House acquisitions is pleased to announce the procuration of Double-Crossing the Bridge, the humorous, non-traditional fantasy adventure by Sarah Sover!

Granu needs cash fast, or she’s out on her ass. Her degree in Early Trollhood Education didn’t prepare her for raging young trolls in the throes of puberty, and when her students nearly fillet her for lunch, Granu’s left jobless and facing eviction. Desperate to avoid a demeaning job in the tar pits, she'll do anything- even listen to her adrenaline junkie best friend. And he's got the perfect plan: a heist!

DOUBLE-CROSSING THE BRDIGE was acquired to Mary Bernsen at The Parliament House Press, in a single-book deal, for publication in 2019 (World).

Sarah J. Sover writes oddball fantasy novels while raising two energetic little people. With a BS in Biology from Georgia Southern University where she graduated as a Bell Honor Scholar, Sarah's background is as varied as Bertie Botts Every Flavour Beans. From wildlife rehabilitator to construction manager, she's done a bit of everything!

Growing up as the daughter of a newsman, Sarah lived all over the place. Each location added to her evolving world view. Detroit, London, Miami, and her current home just outside Atlanta all impacted the way she saw the world. As a result, Sarah tends to connect things in strange and different ways, a trait further developed by an interdisciplinary college education. No matter where she went, Sarah's love of writing followed, filling notebooks with bad poetry and driving her to become the starry-eyed president of a writing club and contributor to school literary magazines.

Sarah resides with her awesome husband Alex, two kids, cranky old dog, and seemingly immortal snake. Her mother is an avid reader who taught her and her little brother to believe in the magic all around us, and Sarah hopes to raise her girls to leave a little room for magic in their lives too!

In addition to writing, Sarah loves craft beer, blues dancing, binging on superhero Netflix shows, making jewelry for her Etsy shop, painting, consuming everything Disney, and listening to groove metal. It's only fitting that her debut novel is an eccentric fantasy caper with a touch of absurdity.

You can find Sarah online at, on Facebook, and on twitter @SarahJSover.

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