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  • The Parliament House

Types of Witches

Good morning, Parliament Monsters!

Since we've been doing a magical lifestyle blog with witchy tips and tricks, I thought we'd cover the types of witches out there. In reality, there are over 60 different types of witches including many categories and subcategories, but in this blog post we'll stick to the the basics.

Fledgling steps for us baby witches, right?

And as a disclaimer, just putting it out there—no, you don't need to be religious, or an active Wiccan or Pagan to practice your craft. Yes, there are certainly Wiccans and Pagans who practice witchcraft as part of their ancient religions. Conversely, you do not need to be Wiccan or Pagan to do magick.

Witches today most commonly practice:

Hedge Witchcraft: Nature-based witchcraft most involving aspects of shamanism, voodoo/ hoodoo, astral projection, mediumism, and acting as the middle ground or communicator between both mortal and spiritual coils. In this case, the term "hedge" refers to the threshold between the physical and otherworldly.

Green Witchcraft: Most related to folklore and Olde European folk magic, Green Witchcraft focuses on the plants, trees, soil, and the outdoor elements. These witches use plants in their garden and those growing in wilderness for their rituals, which are often done at the peak of the sun, or under a full moon. Green witches most often practice in groups, or belong to covens.

Kitchen/ Hearth Witchcraft: Though increasingly popular, Kitchen Witchcraft is nothing new. It is simply making a comeback; related to Green Witchcraft, this type of magick is more practical and can be used easily in everyday life. It is most often used to aide family members and neighbors with healing, counseling, and midwifery. Kitchen witches are pretty busy-bodied while at home, infamous for their impressive cooking skills or homemade syrups and salves. Their kitchens are a sacred space that smell warm and welcoming like a freshly baked apple cinnamon pie, perhaps carved with sigils and an incantation or two for blessing.

Hereditary Witchcraft: Over the years there has been much debate on whether or not hereditary witches fall under a category all their own, and personally, I say they do! Anything passed down is considered sacred and powerful, including magical knowledge. It's not too common these days to encounter a witch who has had their ancestors pass down familial magick and talents. Hereditary witches have or have had a family member—or a dozen—down the line who is also a practitioner of the craft. That knowledge is thus passed onto them through lessons, or, if they're lucky, even a Book of Shadows or Grimoire.

Eclectic Witchcraft: An Eclectic Witch is someone who takes up an individual approach to witchcraft. They freely pick and choose from hundreds of different traditions and use them as they'd please. They never stick to a specific religion or tradition, and lean purely on instinct instead of rule.


These days, Witchlings—including myself—often feel pressured to fit under one of these categories. However, these are only umbrella terms. As we all know, labels fortunately lhold little to no weight in society these days. Pick what suits you if general guidelines make you feel more comfortable, or don't pick at all! The universe is receptive to heart's intent and what's inside, not how many fancy crystals or herbs you own in your arsenal.

As always, happy practicing!


The Attic Witch

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