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Seeking Members of Parliament!

The Parliament House

Good morning, Parliament People!

We cannot believe it has already been an amazing two and a half years since The Parliament House has opened its Wrought iron gates to unleash magic in book form out into the world. And we are far from finished...

So far, we have accomplished so much; having published over thirty novels that have achieved Amazon category bestselling titles, have had books featured in national media such as Writer's Digest and Hypable, and have attended BookCon in New York City!

But there is so much more still to be done...

Parliament Witches have been conspiring behind the scenes regarding what we need to do to grow, and how we can better involve YOU, the reader. How?

We've polished out black & white checkered floors, shined our chandeliers, preened our rose bushes...and we are ready to invite you to become a

On August 1st, 2019, we will officially be launching something we've been working so hard on...our Patreon page.

Not only will your involvement help us grow into the establishment we endeavor to become by making it easier for us to bring our titles to bookstores, tours, more events, and more special projects...Members of Parliament will also be able to get exclusive inside peeks at special content, unreleased projects, details behind the scenes, and have access to curated prizes and even more magic than we've ever offered before.

If you join our Patreon before JULY 24th, before the official launch, you will receive a special letter from the Parliament House and an exclusive art/bookmark download.

We look forward to meeting and getting to know our new members. Your help and involvement is greatly appreciated, and you will be part of the continued magic we strive to conjure every day!

Until the first of August, thank you for your support and happy reading...

- Parliament Witches

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