Michael Feeney: Public Relations Director
What is your favorite part about your role?
As PR Director, I particularly love promoting and highlighting any accomplishment our authors and the company itself achieves.
What challenges do you face in your role?
Outside of the big outlets to promote toward, I also strive to find places that fit with a particular novel. It does not always stare me in the face immediately.
Give us a fact about you that no one knows.
My dream job as a child was to be a game show host.
Tell us what you do when you're not doing Parliament work?
I have another day job that isn’t as exciting as working with the awesome people are The Parliament House. I also go to the gym and read, of course. Nothing relaxes me more than getting lost in a good story.
What is your favorite book genre to read?
Science fiction and fantasy are sometimes interchangeable, so I’m fine with listing both as my favorite.
Where can readers find you on social media?
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/michael.feeney.3701 Twitter: @Feeney86 or @MichaelPHPress Instagram: feendizzle
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/18501643-michael-feeney
*Michael's Secret Society Induction Interview:
If you could choose any small animal and make it big, what would it be?
A mini horse would turn into a medium horse because I imagine it would be a confidence booster.
If you had a house made of anything, what would it be?
Solid steel or something to turn it into a zombie fortress.
What is your deepest, darkest secret?
It shall remain deep, and possibly become darker. The darker the secret, the sweeter the reveal, or something.
If you could be president, during what historical event would it be?
Probably during the 1865 run of the play “Our American Cousin”- though I’ve heard it could give you a real headache if you watch it for too long.
Would you rather lose all of your hair permanently or sweat melted cheese?
All of my hair can go. My swim times would surely improve.
Cut an apple in half with your bare hands. What happens?
I roar to the sky, veins popping everywhere, the Mecca of Manliness. And then I wake up.
Have you ever peed in a swimming pool?
Maybe as a kid, but I don’t recall doing so.
If you were a porn star, what would your name be?
Dusty Bottoms
What is your favorite sound?
When the wind picks up
What would you do if you worked on the set of Flubber and you caught Robin Williams with Flubber in his pants?
I’d ask him to whip it out, sign it, hand it over, and then never wash it. I’d also tell him “It’s not your fault. It’s not your fault.”
Jessica Julien: Marketing Director
What is your favorite part about your role?
I LOVE getting to interact with our readers and fans!!! I also get to work closely with some of our authors. Everyone is so unique and talented and it has been really exciting to help create marketing concepts for each of them to help personalize their release day.
What challenges do you face in your role?
Sometimes it can be tedious when I go out in search of new faces to bring aboard, but it's time well spent and I still have fun uncovering new readers/reviewers.
Give us a fact about you that no one knows.
I hate jeans! Really, I just can't. Keep your denim away, thanks! Give me yoga pants, leggings, or pajamas every day and I am happy! I also only wear converse and I love fun colored/patterned socks...which usually don't match! I also schedule a Harry Potter marathon every single month with themed food. I'm about 9 3/4 obsessed, not a bit riddikulus in my opinion! ;)
Tell us what you do when you're not doing Parliament work?
When I'm not doing Parliament work (does such a time exist? LOL jk) I am wrangling my toddler, writing, or making bookish items like soaps! We also road trip quite a bit so sometimes I'm working while in the car or at a hotel, but I LOVE what I do so I wouldn't have it any other way.
What is your favorite book genre to read?
YA Fantasy! I do like the dark and twisty stories too. Some of my favorite authors include Holly Black, Ellen Hopkins, Marissa Meyer, Clarissa Clare, J.K. ROWLING (of course) and others.
Where can readers find you on social media?
On ALL THE THINGS but I'm most active on Instagram and Twitter. Instagram (@jessicaljulien)Twitter (@jjulieuathor); I also cohost the popular #AuthorConfession game with my bestie J.M. Sullivan.
*Jessica's Secret Society Induction Interview:
If you could choose any small animal and make it big, what would it be?
Does a baby panda count? Because I'm obsessed with panda's and I think a giant giant panda would be AMAZING! Like a mini Pandazilla, I could just pad around the neighborhood with, no big deal.
If you had a house made of anything, what would it be?
I think I'd prefer a nice cozy Hobbit hole out away from society where I can just do my thing and not be bothered by annoying neighbors. If I had to pick an actual item...probably dark roasted ground coffee. 1. My house would smell fricken amazing all the time. 2. Coffee IS LIFE. 3. Dried used coffee grounds are pretty much like cement so I think it would hold well.
What is your deepest, darkest secret?
If I tell you then it won't be a secret anymore, duh!
If you could be president, during what historical event would it be?
I don't think there's a time I'd like to have been president, haha. I'd prefer to just be Mayor of some small community that celebrates crazy local days like "Mayor Day" where people just bring me pie and we feast under the full moon while dancing around a bonfire to upbeat music. You know, typical Mayor dreams...
Would you rather lose all of your hair permanently or sweat melted cheese?
I'm lactose intolerant so cheese probably wouldn't be the best combination, LOL. Let's go with no hair because I could probably rock some crazy wigs! Plus, isn't drawing on eyebrows like a thing anyways? (*shrugs*)
Cut an apple in half with your bare hands. What happens?
You have two halves? Is this a trick question...has no one seen that episode of The Office...totally works!!
Have you ever peed in a swimming pool?
Who hasn't...let's be honest here.
If you were a porn star, what would your name be?
Midnight Fantasy ... It'll either be your best dream or your worst nightmare! (*cue mysterious music here*)
What is your favorite sound?
Rain. Ocean waves. The final breath of my dying enemy...
What would you do if you worked on the set of Flubber and you caught Robin Williams with Flubber in his pants?
...Wtf...awkward...walk away slowly. Tweet about it. Immediately regret not snapping a photo as proof. Try to bring it up awkwardly later...
Brianna Sugalski: Blog Editor
What is your favorite part about your role?
Personally, I'd say the best part of being Blog Editor is curating graphics and blog features around our talented authors and staff. Sometimes, consumers don't realize—in innocence, of course—the effort and personal energy that goes into spinning a tale for any type of audience. Besides announcing our release lineup, whether through our FIRST TWO CHAPTERS excerpts every Sunday, or the corresponding book birthdays on Tuesdays, I aim to bring the voices behind our books to light through these features. Novels are more than stories—they're part of the authors, too.
What challenges do you face in your role?
While there isn't a part of this role that is particularly challenging, it can be hard during certain seasons to come up with content! This is often quickly alleviated by taking a peek at our release lineup; almost always there are giddy authors willing to contribute to our blog. When writing lifestyle posts, I like to seek inspiration from other literary magazines. The issue lies within not a lack of material, but the vast amount of it; there are so many facets of our literary universe that deserve coverage.
Give us a fact about you that no one knows.
I eat my Salt & Vinegar chips with ketchup. Try it, then tell me it's disgusting.
Tell us what you do when you're not doing Parliament work?
While I'm not doing Parliament Press work, I'm usually spending time with my doting husband and kids! They're a handful and a half; sometimes, Parliament work feels like my off time. I love it all.
What is your favorite book genre to read?
I love Dark Fantasy and Fantasy Romances.
Where can readers find you on social media?
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/briwritesthings/ Twitter: @briwritesthings Instagram: @petit.beignet
*Brianna's Secret Society Induction Interview:
If you could choose any small animal and make it big, what would it be?
I feel that all creatures and species who are smaller in stature are probably small for a reason—that being, they're usually the pluckiest, the most feisty of the bunch. If I absolutely had to open that can of worms, it would be our 8 lb. Miniature Pinscher/ Rat Terrier, Tippy. She'd be fine.
If you had a house made of anything, what would it be?
If I had a house made of anything, it'd be... exactly what ours is made of now. I really can't think of an off-the-beaten-path answer for that one. Living on the East Coast and feeling the full force of winter for the first time, I really can't have it made of JUST wood, without some sort of insulation.
Hawthorne bark, maybe. Why? It keeps the monsters out. Don't you know?
What is your deepest, darkest secret?
It will remain where I last left it: in a decrepit South Los Angeles County apartment, back in the hazy summer of 2012. Call me Alex Stern.
If you could be president, during what historical event would it be?
I would have loved to held office during the Brown vs. Board of Education case.
Would you rather lose all of your hair permanently or sweat melted cheese?
I would sweat cheese. My hair is my redeeming quality on my bad face days.
Cut an apple in half with your bare hands. What happens?
I'd imagine several bones and ligaments within my hand would be broken and mangled, and the apple not cut, but smashed into several unrecognizable pieces.
Have you ever peed in a swimming pool?
Yes, and you bet the water turned blue-green. It's not a myth. That is 100% true.
If you were a porn star, what would your name be?
"808-Hoes." LMAO.
What is your favorite sound?
What would you do if you worked on the set of Flubber and you caught Robin Williams with Flubber in his pants?
I would turn back around and dart off in the opposite direction. I'd run to the nearest sink, turn the cold tap all the way on, and splash myself in the face. I'd complete the work day in a daze, avoiding Williams' gaze—all whilst wondering how the hell I saw Flubber, in the flesh—erm, ectoplasm?—in the first place, never mind what he was doing with it.
*According to Business Insider, this selection of questions were/ are allegedly presented to potential pledges of Yale University's secret societies.